Get all 8 sets of gang banging domination (more than 350 images, 8 erotic stories, and exclusive collection cover images)
All models are performing this scene in a virtual 3D environment meant purely for entertainment. The models consent to taking part in these productions as fantasies, and are not meant to reflect real life. All models are over 18. No real people are present in these scenes, only digital artwork.
Always Consent! Stay Safe!
Power Play is the strongest superhero in the world. He’s a dominating force wherever he does.
After stopping a robbery, Power Play receives an unexpected thank you. But the encounter raises new feelings about how much he dominates, and if he would prefer a different role.
Includes eBook, SFW and NSFW covers, and 4 images of superhero rewards.
Get all 8 sets of gang banging domination (more than 350 images, 8 erotic stories, and exclusive collection cover images)
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