Hi Ms. Angel,
I really like sucking dick, but I sometimes get a bad gag reflex, like if the dick is too big. Is there anyway I can get rid of my gag reflex so I can not worry about it? – Daring to Deepthroat
Dearie, you are the kind of man every boy dreams of bringing home to mother. You have a noble goal, and I will do everything in my power to make it a reality. The world won’t be at peace until we’ve done away with these nuisance gag reflexes getting in the way of us sucking giant cocks.
Your gag reflex is a natural instinct by your body to prevent you from swallowing something dangerous. Obviously, this can get in the way when we want that dangerous thing digging down our throat. Still, it is a natural instinct, so be careful how far you go irradicating it.
The main way to overcome this is with practice. You can, of course, practice on any available cock you find, though anything you stick toward the back of your throat will count. Brushing the very back of your tongue with a toothbrush can trigger a gag reflex, to practicing that a few times each morning can help. You can also practice on dildos or other phallic objects, getting them as far back as you can, and holding there to reduce your body’s instinctual response.
If you’re lucky enough to on your knees with several inches hitting the back of your throat, you can try a few tricks to limit your gag reflex, though these are more tricks than concrete advice. Humming while sucking can enforce your breathing (also very important), and reduce your need to gag. Some people find squeezing their thumb into the palm of their hand can also alleviate the reaction (supposedly due to a pressure point in the palm).
Lastly, anesthetic throat sprays, like those used for sore throats, will numb the back of your throat, and also numb some of your gag reflex. This isn’t something to use regularly, as it can be strong medicine. But if you’ve got that very special guy coming over packing those nine inches…well, I’m not going to tell you not to do it.
Have fun. With love,
Ms. Angel Food