While you wait for the next wave of Edge City Heroes to edge their way into your briefs, consider experimenting with some other steamy spandex. These are a few that help me untuck at night!

How to Kill A Superhero: A Gay Bondage Manual by Pablo Greene
Get all the lessons you need on how to be a kinky sex slave from this erotic classic. Filled with bondage, domination, and body transformations, it makes the superhero world feel like the darkest dungeon you’ll never want to (or be allowed to) leave.

Not All Himbos Wear Capes by C. Rochelle
It often feels like the hero and villain are playing a school yard game of hair pulling when they should be pulling other things. C. Rochelle’s steamy romance pushes its titular hero and villain together in the quintessential enemies-to-lovers tale. Includes two sequels (with another on the way) for added heat.

Steel & Thunder by Dominic N. Ashen
Trade your spandex for some loin cloths in this BDSM fantasy filled with orc domination. Think Conan the Barbarian, but with slightly more nudity, and kinky scenes that fully satisfy.

Nemesis 1: Mind Slave by Santiago López
When domination and bondage aren’t enough, bring out the mind control. Submit to the sexual thrills as the greatest superhero becomes a corrupted sex toy, put through all sorts of imaginative sadistic games.

Unmasked: Erotic Tales of Gay Superheroes edited by Eric Summers
Why pick one erotic superhero tale when you can have a dozen! Unmasked collects several spicy stories of superheroes in and out of their spandex.