Doppelganger #3: Barbarian Conquest

Doppelganger wants to have a normal relationship, but his superpowers keep getting in the way. If he gets too aroused, he’ll expose his secret and lose any chance at a normal life.

When a giant monster attacks downtown, Doppelganger’s potential boyfriend is put in harm’s way. Saving him means diving into the belly of the beast.

It seems the monster enjoys the taste of muscle-bound barbarians…

Includes DRM-free eBook of Doppelganger #3 (ePub and mobi files)

High-res SFW and NSFW covers

10 high-res mouth-watering images of a giant dragon swallowing these barbarian muscles

Featured Models

10 images

Buy Link Coming Soon

All models are performing this scene in a virtual 3D environment meant purely for entertainment. The models consent to taking part in these productions as fantasies, and are not meant to reflect real life. All models are over 18.

No real people are present in these scenes, only digital artwork.

Always Consent! Stay Safe!

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